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Friday, October 4, 2024
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Registration for ESTO2025 committees is open!

Dear ESTO friend! Sign up for participation in the organization of ESTO 2025! For this purpose, we have created a registration form where you can choose in which committee you want to participate in the organization of ESTO 2025 and let us know if you want to be a member of the Main Committee of the NGO ESTO 2025.

Põhjarannik: The Global Estonian Festival in Narva involves local groups as well

ESTO laulupeo dirigendid on Ida-Virumaalt pärit Hirvo Surva ja Kirill Gorjušin ning eluaegne koorijuht Jaan Seim Stockholmist, kes praegu juhatab seal sega- ja naiskoori. Nemad kolm panevad kokku repertuaari ja käivad ka Kanadas, Ameerikas ning mujal koore ette valmistamas,

Põhjarannik: The program of the Global Estonian Festival in Narva promises to be powerful

ESTO 2025 toimumiskoha valikuks korraldati demokraatlikud kärajad, kus kõik huvilised said oma sõna sekka öelda. "Enamuse hääl kaldus Stockholmi-Narva poole. Eks see ole Rootsi ja Narva ajalooline taust ning praegused väljakutsed, mis teevad Narva atraktiivseks," ütles ESTO 2025 peakorraldaja, Rootsi eestlaste liidu esimees Sirle Sööt

Põhjarannik: the next international gathering of Estonians will also reach Narva

A youth congress dedicated to multilingualism will be held in Narva in cooperation with the global Estonian youth network and local youth organizations. In addition, a high-level business forum, cultural events and religious services are planned in Narva.

ESTO 2025 will be held in Stockholm – Narva – Tallinn from June 26 – July 2, 2025

The 2025 Global Estonian Cultural Festival, ESTO, will be hosted in Stockholm, Tallinn and Narva between June 26-July 2, 2025.  The ESTO Festival has called together Estonians from around the world since 1972, to celebrate their shared culture, heritage, and achievements – and to promote unity and reinforce the bonds between Estonians around the world.